We are very grateful and especially this time of the year where we get to give Thanksgiving for many things. All of us here at Tend Home Team are super humble and grateful to the community we live and work in. As a way of saying thank you we want you have a Thanksgiving Day pumpkin pie on us! Please mark your calendars and RSVP to come pick up your pie at our location in Woodinville.
Sorry, but we are not hosting a party this year, due to the newly imposed King County mandates we have decided not to discriminate, but rather increase our benevolence by opening this up to the WHOLE community. Please invite friends to RSVP as well www.tendpie.com for all the details.
We are also partnering with the Woodinville Firefighters Benevolent Fund to take donations for those inclined. Donate here: https://www.wffbf.org/
Learn more about the WFFBF:
“As firefighters, we are often exposed to individuals and families who need immediate assistance. Whether it be due to the loss of a family member, or a loss of their home due to a fire.
We are also in contact with non-profit organizations that work to make the world a better place by helping those in need or working to cure and treat diseases.
In order to better support these individuals, families, and organizations, the firefighters of Woodinville Fire and Rescue established the Woodinville Firefighters Benevolent Fund in 2007. It is a federally recognized 501(c) 3 not-for-profit organization and licensed with Washington State.
In 2012, the Woodinville Firefighters Benevolent Fund partnered with the firefighters from Bothell Fire & EMS to form the Bothell Firefighters Benevolent Fund.
Two groups of firefighters serving and donating to one great cause: helping those in their communities in need.”
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Tuesday 11/23/2021 4-7pm
14522 NE North Woodinville Way, STE 202B
Contact Information
Troy Anderson 206-504-3660
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