Cairn Brewing is delighted to host Friends of North Creek Forest in the taproom with a featured presentation:
Bats, Wonderful Bats: Nature's Pollinators and Insect Eaters with Dr. John Bassett of Bats Northwest.
Our pub talks are informal & held in our taproom--bring a friend or neighbor to learn more about environmental issues in our community.
Our pub talks are informal & held in our taproom--bring a friend or neighbor to learn more about environmental issues in our community.
Bats, Wonderful Bats!
What are bats? What do they eat? Where do they live? What do they
do for people? What can people do for bats?
We will answer these questions and many more in our exploration of the most interesting and most misunderstood group of mammals found on earth.
John E. Bassett, Ph.D., a retired Research Scientist from the University of Washington, has studied and written about bats for over 50 years. A mammalian physiological ecologist by
training, his research interests include renal and cardiovascular adaptation to environmental stresses which create significant problems for bats because of their small body mass and large
surface area. Another area of recent interest has been the conservation of bats given the ongoing reduction in habitat from human activities and introduction of diseases such as white-nose syndrome. He has worked to promote the conservation of bats through his service on the Board
of Directors of Bats Northwest, a local non-profit group dedicated to the proposition that “bats get a bum rap!”. Dr. Bassett has also presented public programs about bats for the last 15 years
as a part of Bats Northwest’s ongoing educational mission.
FNCF's team will be in the taproom to talk about their mission and share how you can get involved.
Have a beer and support the forest! Enjoy the limited-edition Spruce Hugger, a Red IPA brewed with wild-harvested spruce tips! By the pint, growler fill and 16oz can. $1/pint and 16oz can goes to Friends of North Creek Forest.
Come join us!
More about #OktoberForest: OktoberForest’s intent is to raise awareness and donations for U.S. forest restoration. Cairn Brewing will bring their OktoberForest participation to the community with a partnership to benefit the mature forest North Creek Forest, located on 64 acres of land just north of downtown Bothell. North Creek Forest is part of the Sammamish River watershed.
OktoberForest Pub Talk: Bats, Wonderf...
Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM PDT