Please join us on Wednesday, November 3 beginning 12:00pm as we rededicate our newly refreshed Coffee Bar in honor of Lloyd Ness (pictured below). Lloyd volunteered with the Senior Center for more than 40 years, and passed away earlier in 2021 at the age of 100. Lloyd could be found sitting on a barstool in the coffee bar every weekday morning sharing funny stories and sharing his always infectious laugh.
Following a brief ceremony and ribbon cutting, guests will be invited to enjoy some treats while they say their farewells to our departing CEO, Brooke Knight, and welcome our new CEO, Nathan Phillips. All are welcome to join us for this event!
A huge thank you to the Snoqualmie Tribe for funding the work done in the Coffee Bar and for First and Main Design Market for their help with the design.
All guests will be required to show proof of vaccination upon entry into the facility.

Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 3, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
Ribbon Cutting Photo at 12:30pm
Northshore Senior Center
10201 E. Riverside Drive
Bothell, WA 98011